Sunday, May 30, 2010

Summer with the Kiddos

Summer has always been my favorite time of year, probably because it takes me back to my childhood. How do you make the most of your summer when it already feels like it's over before it's begun? I do that quite frequently, I will go through all the 'To do's' in my head and psych myself out and before I know it I have my summer done before it's begun. This summer I have vowed not to do that, I am going to take summer one day at a time and relax. That seems to be quite a challenge with this working career mom by day and business by night, but hear me out all you moms that are in the same position.

When you get the extra time to spend with the kids, go for a walk or a bikeride. If you are a runner, run by them while they are ridding their bikes or take the dog for a walk once you get home from work. It will make you more refreshed and focused and you will be glad you did.

I normally don't get to the pool much, but we love it! And why not, it's entertainment for the kids all day and is inexpensive. We have vowed to hit the pool twice a week this summer to make the most of the summer. One week night and one weekend day....even if it's a partial day.

Another great idea is going to the farmers market this summer, especially if you don't have your own garden. It supports local farmers in your area rather than going to the grocery store and giving to a corporation and it's a chance to get to know other local people who are producing your food and the taste is so much better since it's fresh to the table!

Another idea that will leave a lasting memory for your kids is to hit a waterpark or a baseball game this summer and make sure you apply sunscreen. Kids love observing and being in the action and both are activities where you dont need to constantly tell your kids to 'be quite' or 'hush'.

Last but not least, most theatres now are doing a kids movie day at really great discounts where you bring your kids into see a movie that's already hit the DVD but you want the sound effects of the big screen. Or movies in the park for summer are always a great hit, bring your popcorn and blanket for a night in the park.

We have vowed to make it a Summer not to forget before it's started.

Love your friends at

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