Monday, September 29, 2008

On Deck for a Launch

We at VannyBean are almost ready to launch. We are thrilled with our hip and modern product selection for children. We're even more excited that these items are manufactured and designed with organic, fair trade and sustainability in mind. We will be featuring, in our blog, the fabulous product lines along with explanations as to why we have chosen them.

Lately we've been jumping up and down because we will soon have Sckoon Organics from New York. Sckoon Organics bring us children's clothing that are all organic and fair trade. They keep child development in mind with their designs, by catering to comfort and function for the moving baby. As for design, the fusion of Japanese imagery with comfort make them a perfect package for parents particular about hip, stylish and uniqueness for baby and toddler.

We'll keep you posted, as there is much more to come. . .

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Welcome to VannyBean!

At VannyBean, we strive to provide smart, sustainable, eco-friendly and attractive life accessories for infancy and childhood. Our goal is to offer exceptional quality products to help nurture healthy, active, and educated children in a modern, beautiful way. We meticulously select products that help parents and children be together, get outside, play, discover and be dashing while doing so!
As VannyBean's creators, we are a husband and wife team whose hobbies and experiences include outdoor recreation, environmental stewardship, living and teaching abroad, and most joyously-being proud parents of our daughters Savannah, two, and Sabine, six months. We have created VannyBean for today's child and today's parents, with an ethos that puts beauty, health and environment first.
We're dedicated to superior customer service, and we value quality over quantity. We know that childhood only gets one chance. So let it realize its full beauty with your friends at VannyBean.

Be Well, Be Happy, Be Beautiful
Heather and Ryan Carlson